I love sharing my passion and my experience. I want to inspire you to achieve your best results, building on my knowledge and on my mistakes. If you surpass the master, I have done my job well.

What I offer

My specialty is combining research and communication. The courses I teach normally cater to researchers at any career stage, but they are not limited to this. They also tend to be podcast oriented, but the skills we learn go beyond podcast production and can be effectively used to present yourself and your work online more effectively and creatively. Please download a complete course description that combines most of the following topics, which can be taught separately or rearranged according to your needs.

  • Podcasting
    What does starting a podcast entail? And how do you keep it afloat? How does it work, technically? And what it today's podcasting landscape? I cover this and more ground in a course (lecture format) that can go from 2 to 6 hours.
  • Multimedia communication
    How can we communicate effectively on the web today? Are social media all there is? And how to use them in a smart way to promote our work and ourselves? I answer all these questions, with pratical examples, in a course (lecture format) that is normally podcast oriented.
  • Audio editing
    We often hear that podcasts are a democratic form of communication because they are cheapt to produce and everyone can start one. Well, maybe not if you need to outsource editing. Audio (and video) editing take the lion's share of any production budget. Why not learn yourself? It's fun! My background is in audio, so this is right up my alley! You will be amazed by the results after a few hours of playing around with a wave editor. It's easy, you only need someone to tell you how to do it.
  • Video editing
    If you think you will not need video editing, think again. Even if you don't have a video podcast, you may want to produce a short teaser video for your audio podcast, or whatever activity you want to show online. Why not, it's so easy to make the most of what Zoom offers for free anyway, right? You will also need basic video editing skills to make animated GIFs and some types of audiograms.
  • Audio preservation
    As a researcher, I have worked with audio for 10+ years. This is probably what I know best on earth. Even if now I spend most of my time interviewing other people about their work, I am always happy to share this huge wealth of knowledge with you. In the COVID era I mostly offer lectures, but if circumstances allow, I can include a hands-on session on magnetic tapes digitization. Who is this relevant to? Students in music programs, library science, information and media communication, journalism, cultural heritage.
  • Peer review
    Peer review is the main gatekeeper for quality in today's academia. A good understanding of peer review is important to give useful feedback as reviewers, but also to make the most of other people's reviews as authors. This course aims to give an exhaustive explanation of how peer review works, the different types of peer review, the weak spots of peer review, and how to structure a good review. I am a Certified Peer Reviewer of the Elsevier Research Academy. Download the course description and visit the video project.

Past courses

  • Workshop How to prepare for an interview, Summer School "Let's Talk Science", Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), July 2024.
  • Podcast training for the Marie Curie ITN project NETHATE for the production of a podcast on hate speech, audience 14 PhD students at 10 universities across Europe, ref. University of Antwerp (Belgium), September 2023 - June 2024.
  • Workshop Redefining science communication: Actors, objectives, creative fun, Summer School "Let's Talk Science", Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), July 2023.
  • Course Podcasting e comunicazione multimediale, Music Conservatory of Cuneo (Italy), 15 hours, April-June 2022.
  • Masterclass Introduction to podcasting for researchers, Summer School on Science Communication "Let's talk science" of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium, July 2021.
  • Masterclass Podcasting 101 for researchers: If you can think it, you can podcast about it, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium, May 2021.
  • Workshop on podcasting for researchers How to set up your podcast, course type: transferable skills; communication, at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium, December 2019.
  • Workshop on podcasting for researchers Fundamentals of digital audio and digital audio editing, course type: transferable skills; communication, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium, December 2019.
  • Training session on Recording and audio editing and Publishing and promotion organized by the science communication office at Ghent University, Belgium, December 2019.
  • Doctoral course Dissecting the peer review system: theory and practice, course type: transferable skills; cluster: research and valorization, Ghent University (Belgium), September 2019. Video project.
  • Masterclass The preservation of sound recordings: Principles and practices, Music Conservatory "D. Cimarosa", Avellino, Italy, June 2019.
  • Laboratory of audio restoration (Laboratorio di restauro audio) for Graduate students at the Musical Conservatory of Padua, Italy (20 hours), AY 2015-2016.
  • Technologies and techniques for audio restoration for Undergraduate students at the Musical Conservatory of Cuneo, Italy (30 hours), AYs 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
  • Music Technologies at the Musical Comprehensive School (Liceo Musicale paritario) of the Istituto Vescovile Barbarigo in Padua, in conjunction with the Musical Conservatory of Padua, Italy, AY 2013-2014.
  • Musical Acoustics for Undergraduate and Graduate students at the Musical Conservatory of Brescia, Italy (24 hours), AY 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.
  • Sound and Music Computing (Informatica musicale) for Undergraduate and Graduate students at the Musical Conservatory of Brescia, Italy (24 hours), AYs 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.
  • Seminar on Preserving audio memories, in the course "Digital culture", Master's Degree in Digital Humanities (Informatica Umanistica), University of Pisa, Italy, December 2011.