Public speaking
- Science and society: rethinking forms of communication and open data, Università Ca' Foscari, Venice, February 2023 Brochure.
- Smart publishing style, aka the importance of mentoring, online event for the MCAA Italy Chapter, December 2021.
- Mental health in academia & other fairy tales, online event for the MCAA Italy Chapter, December 2021.
- A new podcast to narrate mental health in academia. Comments by the podcast host and producer, a researcher and science communicator, online event organized by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture and Mlada Akademija, November 2021.
- Life outside academia: my transition from research to communication, online event organized by the MCAA Italy Chapter, May 2021.
- Motivational speech for the students of the Liceo T. Gargallo in Siracusa, Italy, online event, November 2020. Brochure.
- How to deal with rejections, lecture for doctoral students and ECR of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), online event, November 2020. Brochure.
- A critical overview of 10 years of research work between technology and culture: Audio preservation, Interactive art, Technoculture}, EYE Film Museum, Amsterdam, and University of Amsterdam (NL), May 2019
- From audio to interactive media and beyond: A discussion on 10 years of research work between technology and culture, Dept. of Computer Science, Maynooth University (Ireland), March 2019
- A guide to post-doctoral research funding: Getting Marie Curie grants is a hard job but someone has to do it, Doctoral School in Art History, Film and Media Studies, Music and Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Università di Udine (Italy), September 2017
- Invited guest at the event Inspiration day 'communication for researchers' 2019 organised by the Science Communication office at Ghent University, July 4th 2019
- Invited speaker at the event The Impact of Science Communication organised by the Postdoc Community at Ghent University, May 2019
- I initiated and co-organised the seminar What curiosity can do for you. A tale of research and other adventures at and with the institute for secondary education "ITAS G. D'Annunzio" in Gorizia, Italy. Target audience: 119 students aged between 17-19, September 2017
Lectures on podcasting
- Research meets podcasting: Opportunities, challenges, and how to make a difference, at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, VUB (Belgium), November 2019.
- Giving science a voice with a podcast: Combining research and communication with Technoculture, Seminario di Cultura Digitale, Dipartimento di Informatica, Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica, Università di Pisa, Italy, October 2019.
- The world of podcasting from a creator’s perspective: Combining research and communication with Technoculture podcast, 'Solve-it-session' webinar on digital storytelling organised by Europeana Communicators, a specialist community of the Europeana Network Association, 100+ registered participants, September 2019. Watch and read the pre and post articles.
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Marie Curie advocacy
I was invited as expert speaker at the following meetings on the Marie Curie Funding Programmes.- Integrating gender in Marie Skłodovska-Curie research proposals. During the event: Starting your career in Heritage Science at CNR ISPC. Marie Skłodovska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships: A webinar supporting researchers in applying to the next 2022 MSCA-PF call, The Institute of Heritage Science of the Italian National Research Council (CNR ISPC), May 2022
- Information session on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships, Ghent University, March 2018
- Speed dating session in the framework of the Researchers at school and at University (Re@ct) pilot project of the MSCA, Ghent University, October 2017
- Information session on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships, Brussels, Palace des Academies, May 2017
- Information session for Marie Curie applicants, Ghent University, April 2016
- Mobilità e finanziamenti: quali possibilitàa per dottorandi e giovani ricercatori, University of Padua, April 2016
Science communication contests
- Finalist at the MSCA2019 Award at the MSCA Conference 2019 event of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (Category: Sharing excellence) in Bucharest, Romania, June 2019 (out of 147 submissions).
- In February 2015, I participated in FameLab, an international competition for science popularisation designed to engage and entertain by breaking down science, technology and engineering concepts into three minute presentations. I reached the final selection talking about digital preservation and technological applications for the preservation of cultural heritage