Great stories make journalists, not viceversa.
- Stop recording live events: A case against the recording frenzy affecting academia (pdf), LinkedIn, April 2022.
- A new podcast on mental health in academia, EuroScientist, December 2021.
- Science & trust: How to engage skeptics (pdf), LinkedIn, October 2021.
- My final paper: Looking back on 10 years of scientific publishing (pdf), LinkedIn, August 2021.
- Podcasting beyond audio: The importance of transcripts (pdf), LinkedIn, July 2021.
- Beyond audio: What your podcasts needs to "speak" to a diverse audience — and a call for action for a book project, MCAA Blog, March 2021.
- A journal of applications and rejections: February 2019 - November 2020, Medium, November 2020.
- Science communication in (a time of) crisis, Communications of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB), n. 23, September 2020.
- The social repercussions of COVID-19: Learning about Planet India, MCAA Blog, September 2020. Listen.
- The misunderstanding between science and society, LinkedIn, September 2020.
- How an interview on COVID-19 made me think about science communication, MCAA Blog, August 2020.
- Bleeding for America: Commentary on a Fulbright interrupted, Fulbright-Schuman portal, July 2020. Listen.
- Science is not a service, LinkedIn, April 2019.
On the 4i-mag
- Cybersecurity in pop culture, June 2021.
- ToffeeTribe: a community oriented startup supporting remote workers in Nairobi, May 2021.
- MPAI: a new organization for AI-base data coding standards, April 2021.
- Say Aloha to remote music playing with high sound quality and without delays, January 2021.
- Hexagram X ETS - bringing artists and scientists together, December 2020.
- A Portuguese startup to help the marine ecosystem, December 2020.
- Prepare to spend your cryptocurrency in the shop next door with TakaMaka, December 2020.
- A French Startup's Innovative Voice Transformation Technology, November 2020.
- Startup Culture in Sub-Saharan African Countries, November 2020.
Audio articles
In Italiano 🇮🇹
- Ctrl+s. Conversazioni sulla sopravvivenza della musica elettronica,, Ottobre 2021.
- La memoria sonora, Sapere, June 2014.