I was born in Gorizia, Italy, on April 29, 1981.
Gorizia is a small town on the border with Slovenia. I am biligual and I carry two passports (IT and SLO).
Technoculture is an interview-based podcast that explores how technology influences our lives and ultimately what it means to be human today. The first episode was published in October 2018. I have interviewed experts from CERN, NASA, ESA, the European Commission, the U.S. Department of State, and several universities in Europe and North America. The guests come from 15+ different countries, and I have travelled to the four corners of the world to record the interviews with them. The podcast was a finalist at the MSCA2019 Award. There are 50+ hours of audio online.
ReMO is an audio podcast about researchers and their journey through the challenges of today's academia. Researchers are burdened with a huge pressure to perform, to compete, to sacrifice themselves. Researchers are people, and people can crack under too much stress. It is time to start talking about mental health and well-being in academia. And to do something about it.
The podcast features three stories. The first episode was published in October 2021. I produced this podcast for the Researchers Mental Health Observatory COST Action number 19117. For more information, visit remo-network.eu
I produce this video podcast for the 4i-mag, an internazional magazine with an interest in technology, cybersecurity, sustainability and the startup culture. The first episode was published in October 2021. The podcast features international guests and has a special track dedicated to young startups.
From December 2020 to March 2021, I have released 25 interviews for Manning Publications, an American publisher specialized in computer technology topics. I have interviewed five book authors covering Natural Language Processing, Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning, Edge Computing, Real-World Cryptography, and Artificial Intelligence.
Science and society: rethinking forms of communication and open data, UniversitĂ Ca' Foscari, Venice, February 2023 Brochure.
Smart publishing style, aka the importance of mentoring, online event for the MCAA Italy Chapter, December 2021.
Mental health in academia & other fairy tales, online event for the MCAA Italy Chapter, December 2021.
A new podcast to narrate mental health in academia. Comments by the podcast host and producer, a researcher and science communicator, online event organized by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture and Mlada Akademija, November 2021.
Life outside academia: my transition from research to communication, online event organized by the MCAA Italy Chapter, May 2021.
Motivational speech for the students of the Liceo T. Gargallo in Siracusa, Italy, online event, November 2020. Brochure.
How to deal with rejections, lecture for doctoral students and ECR of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), online event, November 2020. Brochure.
A critical overview of 10 years of research work between technology and culture: Audio preservation, Interactive art, Technoculture}, EYE Film Museum, Amsterdam, and University of Amsterdam (NL), May 2019
From audio to interactive media and beyond: A discussion on 10 years of research work between technology and culture, Dept. of Computer Science, Maynooth University (Ireland), March 2019
A guide to post-doctoral research funding: Getting Marie Curie grants is a hard job but someone has to do it, Doctoral School in Art History, Film and Media Studies, Music and Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, UniversitĂ di Udine (Italy), September 2017
Invited guest at the event Inspiration day 'communication for researchers' 2019 organised by the Science Communication office at Ghent University, July 4th 2019
Invited speaker at the event The Impact of Science Communication organised by the Postdoc Community at Ghent University, May 2019
I initiated and co-organised the seminar What curiosity can do for you. A tale of research and other adventures at and with the institute for secondary education "ITAS G. D'Annunzio" in Gorizia, Italy. Target audience: 119 students aged between 17-19, September 2017
On podcasting
Research meets podcasting: Opportunities, challenges, and how to make a difference, at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, VUB (Belgium), November 2019.
Giving science a voice with a podcast: Combining research and communication with Technoculture, Seminario di Cultura Digitale, Dipartimento di Informatica, Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica, UniversitĂ di Pisa, Italy, October 2019.
The world of podcasting from a creator’s perspective: Combining research and communication with Technoculture podcast, 'Solve-it-session' webinar on digital storytelling organised by Europeana Communicators, a specialist community of the Europeana Network Association, 100+ registered participants, September 2019. Watch and read the pre and post articles.
Marie Curie advocacy:
I was invited as expert speaker at the following meetings on the Marie Curie Funding Programmes.
Integrating gender in Marie Skłodovska-Curie research proposals. During the event: Starting your career in Heritage Science at CNR ISPC. Marie Skłodovska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships: A webinar supporting researchers in applying to the next 2022 MSCA-PF call, The Institute of Heritage Science of the Italian National Research Council (CNR ISPC), May 2022
Information session on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships, Ghent University, March 2018
Speed dating session in the framework of the Researchers at school and at University (Re@ct) pilot project of the MSCA, Ghent University, October 2017
Information session on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships, Brussels, Palace des Academies, May 2017
Information session for Marie Curie applicants, Ghent University, April 2016
Mobilità e finanziamenti: quali possibilitàa per dottorandi e giovani ricercatori, University of Padua, April 2016
On the radio
Radio Cairo 95.4 FM | Programma locale italiano con Marco Mohamed Ahmed, April 2023. Watch
Rock Revolution with Gabriele Medeot on Radio RAI FVG, June 2021. Listen
Chat and Spin radio, international web radio station based in the UK, April 2021. Listen
RadioBue, the webradio of the University of Padua, Italy, March 2018. Watch or read.
Radio interview on BXFM "The sound of Europe", Brussels, Belgium. Host Philippe Sala, co-guest Sophie Beernaerts (chief of MSCA at European Commission), February 2018. The interview focussed on my experience as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie laureate, and on the societal impact of my research on multimedia cultural heritage. The interview is in French. Listen.
On URGENT, the webradio of Ghent University, in the cultural program "Tumult", December 2015. The interview focussed on my work at Ghent University, involving an interactive installation for music making by artist Tim Vets.
Museum of Voices with Shaida Salwi, June 2024
Nice interview with this wonderful project aimed at preserving people's voices and life stories.
Watch on YouTube
Cast of all trades with Orion Siebert, June 2024
We discussed the challenges of conveying scientific concepts, the role of critical thinking skills, and how technology shapes our understanding of humanity. We also touched on the importance of curiosity-driven research and interdisciplinary approaches.
Watch on YouTube
Democracy in... with Mary Leighton, June 2024
In the wake of 2024's European Parliamentary Elections, I was interviewed on democracy and voting in Italy together with my good friend and fellow podcaster Piero Carlucci.
Watch on YouTube (part 1 and part 2)
Idea Cast Interview Series with Justin McSweeney, Maybe 2024
Discussing the meaning of life, what it is and where to find it. Very deep and engaging conversation touching on so many different aspects of life.
Watch on YouTube
Polymath Polycast with Dustin Miller, June 2024
Polymaths of the world, unite! Bring your diverse passions together! From languages to science to living in the woods, Dustin asked me about everything! Including my most recent purchase, a Templar sword.
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The IJK podcast with Imad Jack Karam, April 2024
Nice discussion on how technology, science, and culture work together and co-evolve.
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Tuscia in Fiore with Giulio Della Rocca, February 2024
Intervista in live streaming il 28 febbraio 2024 con Giulio Della Rocca per Tuscia in Fiore. Abbiamo parlato di olio e nocciole della Tuscia, di gelato e spezzatino di cinghiale, di viaggi e di cosa vuol dire innamorarsi. E del mio libro!
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Sharing is caring with Jonathan Yao-Bama, December 2023
In this episode, Federica Bressan unravels the intricate tapestry of food and science. From the impact of tech on society to the possibility of growing food in space, Federica's insights will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the food on your plate.
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Una vita da lontano with Raffaele Labrozzi, Piero Carlucci and Emiliano Pilotti, May 2023
Badge d'onore per la terza ospitata nel podcast piĂą bello dedicato agli italiani all'estero e anche fuori dall'estero. Questa volta vi parlo da Alessandria d'Egitto!
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Savaged unfiltered with Michael Gardner, April 2023
Michael and his sidekick Joseph M. Lenard welcome Doctor Federica Bressan back on the show. They all discuss about Italian food, culture and traditions. Federica speaks from Alexandria, Egypt, where she is visiting during the month of Ramadan.
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Be Raw Podcast! with Walt Blau, December 2022
One of many stories is when Federica Bressan got up on stage, sitting in a chair naked while reading the book she wrote to the crowd while someone painted artwork on her. Did I mention she is fearless?
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What's Your Story with Michel Godart, December 2022
Federica Bressan tells us about her book "In the heart of Tuscia" published in Italian, English and Dutch. This interview will alternate between the language of Molière and Shakespeare.
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The Crossing It Off Podcast with Roger Williams, December 2022
Listen and learn how Federica Bressan left the 'chaos' of the city to find peace in the woods.
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Your 12|31 with Mike Solitro, November 2022
"We all have a story to tell." Mike Solitro ask his guests to tell their story in 12 questions, 30 minutes. Very intriguing format and fine questions. I talked about my book "In the heart of Tuscia" and traveling.
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Straight talk with Nolan with Nolan Pillay, November 2022
From my happy place in Buenos Aires, I try to elaborate on the idea that "living is an art". I share part of my journey with Nolan, excellent host, and about that time in 2017 when I "re-built myself"...
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The Travel Addict with Malcolm Teasdale, October 2022
Glad to be back on Malcolm's podcast, speaking from no less than Buenos Aires, Argentina. We talked about traveling, Argentina, and my book "In the heart of Tuscia".
Listen on | coming soon |
PRomote it! with David Triana and Mark Kaley, October 2022
PR professionals David Triana and Mark Kaley welcome a variety of guests to talk about their businesses, their personal stories and how they're making a difference. Along with interviews, they'll be sharing media relations tips and tricks that they've learned throughout their careers.
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Savaged unfiltered with Michael Gardner, October 2022
Michael and his sidekick Joseph M. Lenard welcome Federica Bressan on the show. She speaks from the same time zone but quite a different culture: the hosts are in Florida and she is in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Good fun.
Una vita da lontano with Raffaele Labrozzi, Piero Carlucci and Emiliano Pilotti, October 2022
Il libro "Nel cuore della Tuscia" è un ottimo pretesto per tornare a trovare gli amici di Una vita da lontano. Sempre spot on, intelligenti e spiritosi. Questa volta vi parlo da Buenos Aires!
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Stuck in my mind with Wilfredo Otero aka Wize El Jefe, September 2022
My first interview on the book "In the heart of Tuscia" and music and vulnerability and what makes us alive! It was a pleasure to appear on Wilfredo's podcast for the second time in two years.
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Papa PhD with David Mendes da Silva, May 2022
Podcasting as a scientist. Great interview on scicomm and on my experience starting conversations about science & society through my podcast, Technoculture.
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Una vita da lontano with Raffaele Labrozzi, Piero Carlucci and Emiliano Pilotti, March 2022
Federica, sessantanovesima ospite di #unavotadalontano, ci racconta come la terra di confine diventa la porta dell'anima che si apre sul globo.
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Arts for the health of it with Richard Wilmore and Constanza Roeder, December 2021
Why do humans turn to the arts in times of crisis? The podcast introduces artists, researchers, healthcare providers to help answer this and other questions.
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Polite Company with Jane Smith, September 2021
A podcast about all the things that we're told not to discuss in polite company. I talked about my experience with abortion and miscarriage. No taboo.
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Stuck in my mind with Wilfredo Otero aka Wize El Jefe, August 2021
A podcast about inspiring people to have fun and enjoy life. I talked about science, technology and podcasting with the friendly Wize El Jefe. Looking forward for more!
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Broken Bulbs with Alex Williamns, August 2021 - November 2021 - July 2022
Broken bulbs is a Canadian podcast about "failures, big and small, and what we can learn from them". Not to brag, but I've had some big failures in my life! I recorded three episodes with lovely host Alex Williamns: "Musician or die", "God bless cars," and "Don't forget to publish."
Listen on YouTube: episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3
Kut2ThaChase with Gregory Proctor, July 2021
I love the title that Greg chose for my episode: "My Style, My Values." During this interview, I had a chance to express the wisdom I try to live up to, my personal philosophy, my experiences, and why I do what I do. Greg is an incredibly excellent interviewer. Thank you for having me on the show.
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The Friendly Futurist with Dave Monk, July 2021
Everything I know about Transhumanism I have learned from Zoltan Istvan, number one advocate for the transhumanist movement and my guest on Technoculture. After interviewing Zoltan, I became a supporter of Transhumanism, and I was excited to be invited to talk about it on Dave's show.
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SoLeadSaturday with Vaishali Lambe, May 2021
My first interview as a guest! I was lucky to be interviweed by Vaishali, such a sweet and attentive person! We talked about education, technology, and inspiring others to embark on a career in tech.
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The Cyber Cafe with Ishan Siddiqui, May 2021
A relaxed conversation on technology, the arts, education, my podcast, and following your passions.
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Existential Neuron with Jayanth Pasupulati, May 2021 Listen on YouTube
The Travel Addict with Malcolm Teasdale, April 2021
Backpacking, motorbiking, hiking, musician and traveler: Pastimes of an Italian Ph.D. who speaks 7 languages. Federica Bressan talks about her escapades around the world. Add to that, sleeping in strangers cars and parking lots, losing her voice in Egypt, plus other raw adventures. Federica is a very cool lady whose adventurous spirit will make you shake your head and smile.
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On YouTube
Interview for the International Labour Organization (ILO) during the EU-US Young Leaders Seminar in Brussels, April 2018. Topic: the impact of technology on the future of work. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WxYruKWliU
Interview for the EU Research & Innovation team during the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) at the University of Manchester (UK), July 2016. Topic: how to implement gender analysis in a Marie Sklodowska-Curie project proposals. Watch (at min.7:03): https://youtu.be/Hq4eWo30RfY
Meet Technoculture's Federica Bressan - Europeana Communicators' Solve-It-Session speaker #1. The interview introduced the webinar on digital storytelling organised by Europeana Communicators, a specialist community of the Europeana Network Association on September 13th, 2019. Watch the webinar (I speak at min. 9:12, more time cues in the description of the video) and read the article published after the event.
Una vita da post-doc e l'amore per la ricerca, Il Bo - Il giornale dell'Università degli Studi di Padova, rubrica Università e Scuola, February 2016, interview by Monica Panetto.
General Chair of the Symposium on Audio Research and Practice in Ghent, Belgium, May 2019, co-organised with the Audio Engineering Society (AES). Website and article.
General Chair, Host, and Moderator at the International Workshop on Digital Philology for the Preservation of Multimedia Archives, Villa Contarini (Italy), 1st edition 2015, 2nd edition 2016. Website and video.
Workshop at Villa Contarini, Italy, 2016.
AES Audio Symposium in Ghent, Belgium, 2019.
Mental health and equality in academia at the Festival Internazionale dell'Economia organized by Campus 4.0, Turin (Italy), June 2022.
Ctrl+s| Tavola rotonda sulla sopravvivenza della musica elettronica with Tempo Reale, Puntata speciale di PARRROLE DI SUONO, online event, December 2021.
What? vs. So What?: Science communication in times of crisis at ESOF2020, Trieste (Italy), September 2020. Watch or read.
Media preservation and recovery at the 146th International Pro Audio Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), Dublin (Ireland), March 2019.
Co-organizer, host, and speaker at the online event Too Good to Work. Overqualification and other myths in today's jobmarket , MCAA Italy Chapter, January 2022.
Co-organizer, host, and speaker at the online event Smart publishing style, aka the importance of mentoring, MCAA Italy Chapter, December 2021.
Co-organizer, host, and speaker at the online event Mental health in academia & other fairy tales, MCAA Italy Chapter, December 2021.
Host of the opening session of the APRE Annual Conference on the Relationship between Science and Society, Online event streamed live from Rome, November 2021
Session Chair at the 146th International Pro Audio Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), Dublin, 2019
Session Chair at the International Colloquium on Music Informatics (Colloqui di Informatica Musicale, CIM), session "Interactive sounds, sound interactions" in Udine, Italy, 2018
Session Chair at the Social Sciences & Arts International Conference SGEM ART 2018 in Vienna, Austria, 2018
Session Chair at the 25th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Sciences Of Music (ESCOM) in Ghent, Belgium, 2017
For an overview of the training I offer, please refer to this page.
Workshop How to prepare for an interview, Summer School "Let's Talk Science", Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), July 2024.
Podcast training for the Marie Curie ITN project NETHATE for the production of a podcast on hate speech, audience 14 PhD students at 10 universities across Europe, ref. University of Antwerp (Belgium), September 2023 - June 2024.
Workshop Redefining science communication: Actors, objectives, creative fun, Summer School "Let's Talk Science", Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), July 2023.
Course Podcasting e comunicazione multimediale, Music Conservatory of Cuneo (Italy), 15 hours, April-June 2022.
Masterclass Introduction to podcasting for researchers, Summer School on Science Communication "Let's talk science" of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium, July 2021.
Masterclass Podcasting 101 for researchers: If you can think it, you can podcast about it, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium, May 2021.
Workshop on podcasting for researchers How to set up your podcast, course type: transferable skills; communication, at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium, December 2019.
Workshop on podcasting for researchers Fundamentals of digital audio and digital audio editing, course type: transferable skills; communication, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium, December 2019.
Training session on Recording and audio editing and Publishing and promotion organized by the science communication office at Ghent University, Belgium, December 2019.
Doctoral course Dissecting the peer review system: theory and practice, course type: transferable skills; cluster: research and valorization, Ghent University (Belgium), September 2019. Video project.
Masterclass The preservation of sound recordings: Principles and practices, Music Conservatory "D. Cimarosa", Avellino, Italy, June 2019.
Laboratory of audio restoration (Laboratorio di restauro audio) for Graduate students at the Musical Conservatory of Padua, Italy (20 hours), AY 2015-2016.
Technologies and techniques for audio restoration for Undergraduate students at the Musical Conservatory of Cuneo, Italy (30 hours), AYs 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
Music Technologies at the Musical Comprehensive School (Liceo Musicale paritario) of the Istituto Vescovile Barbarigo in Padua, in conjunction with the Musical Conservatory of Padua, Italy, AY 2013-2014.
Musical Acoustics for Undergraduate and Graduate students at the Musical Conservatory of Brescia, Italy (24 hours), AY 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.
Sound and Music Computing (Informatica musicale) for Undergraduate and Graduate students at the Musical Conservatory of Brescia, Italy (24 hours), AYs 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.
Seminar on Preserving audio memories, in the course "Digital culture", Master's Degree in Digital Humanities (Informatica Umanistica), University of Pisa, Italy, December 2011.
I designed and taught a doctoral course on the peer review system at Ghent University, Belgium. For this course, I realised a video project with researchers in different research areas talking about their approach to peer review: http://federicabressan.com/peerreview/
In 2013, I co-founded the spin-off Audio Innova with the University of Padua. After a short mandate as CEO, I have been an associate of the spin-off until November 2019. A success story of knowledge and technology transfer from the academic sector to the industry, the spin-off is still in business today. When I quit in 2019, the value of my shares was at 300%. Web site: http://www.audioinnova.com/.
A member of the Italian register of journalists (It. Albo nazionale dei giornalisti) from 2005 to 2017, I have received two letters of commendation (lettere di encomio) for my work.
In 2003, I started collaborating with the Editorial Group L'Espresso, publishing 200+ articles on music and cultural events. As a free-lancer, I coordinated the International Workshop "Building and strengthening a musical network in the Adriatic - Balkan area" promoted by Associazione Progetto Musica — Festival Internazionale "Nei Suoni dei Luoghi", involving the United Nations and institutions from 5+ countries.